Sophon也封装了python API以便python开发者快速上手
安装Sophon python3 library
** 安装sophon python库 **
SplitModel# pip3 install --user python3/x86/sophon-1.1.3-py3-none-any.whl
Looking in indexes:
Processing ./python3/x86/sophon-1.1.3-py3-none-any.whl
Installing collected packages: sophon
Successfully installed sophon-1.1.3
** Sophon将下载转换模型封装成Sophon utils python库 **
# cd SplitModel/bin/x86
# ./get_bmodel -h
usage: get_bmodel [-h] [--save_path SAVE_PATH] arg
Download test data, or download and convert models.
positional arguments:
arg Options: model_name, 'model_list', 'test_data', 'all'
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--save_path SAVE_PATH
Save sophon test model and test data.
** 下载Yolov3测试数据和模型,编译模型测试精度 **
./get_bmodel test_data --save_path ${run_yolov3_caffe}/tmp
./get_bmodel yolov3 --save_path ${run_yolov3_caffe}/tmp
使用Sophon complier编译模型
** get_bmodel 中调用bmnetc 转换caffe-yolov3模型 **
** 开发者也可以使用Sophon提供的python bmnetc API编译模型 **
model = "/path/to/prototxt", ## Necessary
weight = "/path/to/caffemodel", ## Necessary
outdir = "xxx", ## Necessary
target = "BM1682", ## Necessary
shapes = [[x,x,x,x], [x,x,x]], ## optional, default use shape in prototxt
net_name = "name", ## optional, default use the network name in prototxt
opt = 2, ## optional, if not set, default equal to 2
dyn = False, ## optional, if not set, default equal to False
cmp = True, ## optional, if not set, default equal to True
enable_profile = False ## optional, default equal to False
** 示例 **
# cat
import bmnetc
model = "./tmp/models/yolov3/yolov3.prototxt",
weight = "./tmp/models/yolov3/yolov3.caffemodel",
outdir = "./out/yolov3",
target = "BM1682",
shapes = [[1, 3, 416, 416]],
net_name = "yolov3",
opt = 2,
dyn = False,
cmp = True,
enable_profile = False
# python3
src/subnets/bmcompiler_subnet.cpp clear 43
*** Store bmodel of BMCompiler...
# ls out/yolov3
# compilation.bmodel input_ref_data.dat output_ref_data.dat
加载Sophon bmodel
import sophon.sail as sail
net = sail.Engine(bmodel, len(bmodel), "0", sail.IOMode.SYSIO))
import cv2
# open image file
img = cv2.imread(input_path)
# resize image
resized_image = cv2.resize(image, (new_w, new_h))
# canvas
canvas = np.full((net_w, net_h, 3), 127.5)
canvas[(net_h - new_h) // 2:(net_h - new_h) // 2 + new_h,\
(net_w - new_w) // 2:(net_w - new_w) // 2 + new_w, :]\
= resized_image
# (hwc to chw, scale: 1/255)...
canvas[:, :, ::-1].transpose([2, 0, 1]) / 255.0
执行Sophon Model推理
# do inference
output = net.process (graph_name, input_tensors)
# postProcess
# 根据指标进行预测, 参考
# examples/SplitModel/samples/python/run_yolov3_caffe/
bboxes, classes, probs = yolov3_postprocess(output, img, detected_size,\
num_classes, threshold,\
all_anchors, nms_threshold);
$ cd bmnnsdk2-bm1682_v1.1.4
$ ./
# cd scripts
# ./ nntc
# source
# cd /workspace/examples/SplitModel ** 安装sophon python库 **
# pip3 install --user python3/x86/sophon-1.1.3-py3-none-any.whl
** 生成bmodel **
# cd samples/python/run_yolov3_caffe/
# ./
** 将yolov3 python脚本拷贝到soc单板进行测试 **
# scp -r /workspace/examples/SplitModel/samples/\
python/run_yolov3_caffe linaro@YOUR_SOC_IP:~/
# exit
$ ssh linaro@YOUR_SOC_IP
** 安装 SE3 driver **
$ sudo /system/data/
$ cd run_yolov3_caffe
$ python3.5 \
--ir_path ./tmp/models/yolov3_ir/compilation.bmodel \
--input_path ./tmp/data/det_coco.jpg
** 执行结果 **
bmcpu init: skip cpu_user_defined
open, init user_cpu_init
id:0 bbox:[96, 178, 251, 418] cls_idx: 16 prob:0.9986375570297241
id:1 bbox:[124, 88, 445, 347] cls_idx: 1 prob:0.9923182129859924
id:2 bbox:[373, 68, 538, 133] cls_idx: 7 prob:0.8461064696311951
Last updated
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